Friday, February 16, 2007

valentine's day

Ah, Valentine's Day has come and gone. It's one of my favorite holidays, mostly because I am expected to spend less money...ha!!! Anyhow, you look around and it's kind of amazing how much it's promoted. I almost feel sorry for the guys, cause I read that they spend more on Valentine's Day than every other holiday combined. Like I said, it's just interesting seeing how everyone goes so crazy that day, and naturally there's generally some romantic movie that'll open close to that day, and there'll also be a bunch of romantic movies on TV that will feature a nauseous happy ending. I have to admit it's better when I'm not single on Valentine's Day and someone takes you out. So I guess the final tagline for Valentine's is: Couples rejoice, singles beware. On a less romantic note, I'm going to try to embed an episode of pure pwnage:

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