Saturday, February 02, 2008

Parasitic Televison

Earlier in the week I watched I watched an episode of the ‘Steve Wilco’ show. Steve as you may or may not know gained fame as the former quasi-security-bodyguard for the somewhat “talk” show ‘Jerry Springer’ hosted by you know who. Jerry Springer gained wealth and fame off making a mockery of human scum and presenting it to us as entertainment. Unfortunately, lower IQ America ate it up and his show become wildly successful. Now his buddy Stevie is sponging off the same format…but wait it has a new twist…Steve is the hero, the quintessential “good guy” taking on the “bad guys” of America! Wow. Let me put my boots on as the sh*t gets deeper.
When has it become ‘cool’ to dehumanize people? Who needs a moral compass to agree that child molesters are bad? Who needs to gloat over someone who beats his wife? When did this type of behavior become entertainment for the masses? Now we put these scum on TV for us to say “look at the bad guy”. What’s worse is that Steve is profiting off the suffering of others. Yes..without child molesters, wife beaters, dead beat dads, and the like...guess show! Steve needs this human scum. He’s like a parasite feeding off decaying tissue. What’s next, televised executions? Help can only be offered by PROFESSIONALS. And the process is certainly not entertaining to me.

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