Thursday, March 15, 2007

myspace is wasting my time

Ok, so i thought it as time to stop being shy and post a blog. I spend about three hours of my day online. Usually researching something for school when i'm here. But, there is a darker side. That side of my wasted internet experience is MYSPACE. IF you dont have a myspace im sure you know what its about. Posting blogs, sending messages to friend and etc. I have recently noticed that a good hour of my day is spent deleting random spam send to me on myspace. That means im wasting about a days worth of time on myspace every week. Is this time i want to waste. NO! But i keep my myspace to try and do the same thing all these other spammers are doing. I want to sell music. Seems easy enough. Put music online, create page, sell music. It's a tough call. Do i accept the enemy and learn to deal with the wasted time for the positive aspects of selling my band?? Or, do i freak out and complain to the class blog. Hopefully none of you have wasted as much time as i have deleting myspace spam. If you have i salute you!

Here's an example of my daily 100 messages

COCAiTLiN™'s Comment:

"Ok I know this is hard to believe but you remember seeing that message and bulliten a little while ago about the peniz pills to make it bigger? Well.... Just like you I am sure, thought it was funny and a joke, but today I find out that my own brother Aaron has been taking the pills since he heard about them on myspace and yes, they actually did work on him, he hooked me up with some and its been 2 weeks now already see a big difference and I ordered nine more bottles from YMBOB.COM
Yes My brother is living proof that they do work, he never used to get girls, now since a few months he is all popular with the girls in his class and work too. They made his saussage grow a full 3 inches in hardly any time, they really work fast on any guy.
If you order some now from you will even get a full money back guarentee, so don't worry about them not working on you as well as they did on my bro and starting to on me as well.Tell them I sent you as a friend if they ask Just copy and paste this address into your browser and hook yourself up today YMBOB.COM

thanks for listening,

1 comment:

adamLschubert said...

Thanks for the peniz pills info, Mike.