Thursday, April 26, 2007

Old to me.

I would like to take this opportunity to talk about old movies. Old movies like...the black and white ones. Old. Boring. Or, so I thought. I never watched old movies. I avoided them at all costs. My grandmother would have one on and a family function and I would leave the room. My roommate watches them ALL the time. I would just roll my eyes and go into my room. This all changed for me, and relatively recently. I had to watch an old movie for another JMC class. I had a list to choose from and I just didn't want to. I settled on the film "Lifeboat" which was directed by Alfred Hitchcock. I had heard of him, so I figured it wouldn't be all the mind numbing. Anyways, I loved it! Loved it! So, since then, I've been watching a few others. Would you believe I liked those too? Now, I would NEVER admit this to my roommate because I would just get a big, loud, "I TOLD YOU SO". I understand she would have every right to say that to me, but I just don't want to give her the pleasure. :) These movies are refreshing. They tell the same stories, but in a much different way. There isn't hard core violence or sex scenes, but the same messages get put out there. It was nice to see women on screen with obtainable bodies. They were thin, but in a "normal" way....not like walking skeletons. Even the men had "normal" bodies. They were in shape, but not body builders...just normal. Now, I admit, the acting is a bit different and much more cheesy, but it was an enjoyable experience. I must admit that I will continue to explore this new, old movie world...but if you see my roommate, don't tell her I told you guys this. Awesome.

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