Monday, April 02, 2007


I kind of realized today that the purpose of this blog was to discuss media related texts in an open fashion. And after sitting in my JMC 201 lecture today and failing one of many very small quizes on the past weeks news in Milwaukee, I realized that I have no inclination of what is going on in the world around me. I couldn't tell you really who got shot where or if one particular celebrity is having emotional complications half way around the world or what website to visit for car insurance (, of course!). For some reason that is ok with me though. So when I sit down to write these entries I really have to think because I either take pictures, sleep, work, or type and writing an entry about not writing an entry seemed to fit the days mood. I do like to get outside and go for occasional walks now and then and enjoy the occasional treat reward. I mean who doesn't? So I say thank you media texts, for consuming my life so much...that I don't have time to enjoy the media texts I am studying...and for that I say Whoof.

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