Monday, January 29, 2007

Personal Media

I have recently found myself in the compromising position of having my purse stolen. No, it's not what you think. I wasn't mugged or attacked, but more or less had it taken from me when I wasn't paying attention. A lot of it was my own fault, and I guess I'm starting to come to terms with it. Alright, so the purse if gone; what is the next step? I have to try to figure out what was in it, what I lost, and what needs to happen for me to replace those items. In doing so, I realized how much it sucks to loose cash, because that's all just gone, how much of a pain it is to replace credit cards, and how time consuming replacing my driver's license can be. Despite all of problems, I am truly grateful that my cell phone was not in the purse at the time it was stolen. My cell phone is a huge part of my life and I know I would be lost without it. Occasionally, I'll leave it behind when I go to class for an hour or two, and I'm left feeling empty or naked without a form of communication with me, whether I need to use it or not. It has my daily schedules in it, set alarms for wake-ups and reminders, and every phone number I need to know. I've never bothered to learn my work number, my boyfriend's number, or even my parent's numbers for the mere reason that my cell phone has them all. I'm lucky I still have my phone, because I don't know how I would have dealt with the situation without it. Most people living away from home for college don't have a house phone, leaving my cell phone as the only way I could cancel my credit cards, call my parents, and report my stolen purse. Now, I wait for a new credit card to arrive in the mail, order a new check card from the bank, and try to make time to sit at the DMV to get a new driver's license. Had I lost my phone, replacing it would have come first. It's my personal media that I simply can't live without.

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