Thursday, December 07, 2006

This Blog is Super for Bitching

Why is that when given the chance to share our thoughts via a blog, our inclination is to bitch about our media related grievences? I don't have an answer, and I am usually no different, but this post is actually me praising someone elses media related bitching. While looking at videos of Nintendo Wii related accidents, I came across some videos by The Angry Nintendo Nerd.

If you haven't seen any of these, it's basically a beer drinking nerd that complains about the crappy games from the original Nintendo system. Most of us come from the generation of original Nintendo players, so these videos should ring true for those of us who remember pointless game plots, impossibly hard enemies, confusing player controls, etc. There's a good video where he outlines Ninentdo's first attempt at remote player control, that stupid Power Glove. I'm including one where he snaps about the first Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles game. Anyway, you can YouTube the rest of his videos if you're inclined. He does usually go off on some rant where he spews obscenities. Just giving you fair warning. Enjoy!

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