Monday, October 30, 2006

Lynne Cheney is a Hypocrite

I try to avoid watching the 24-hour corporate news cycle, but I happened to stop on CNN the other day to hear Lynne Cheney talking with Wolf Blitzer. She was on the show to promote a childrens book about the 50 states. But Wolf was asking her some questions about the self destruction of the Republican Party and the Mark Foley scandal, and Mrs. Cheney freaked out. In true neo-conservative fashion, her response was that there is no problem with the Republican party, it's just that the citizenry of the U.S. are being duped by the "Liberal Media" into believing that the War in Iraq is going bad and that the Bush economy is economical poison!

I really hate this myth that the media is liberal. It is overtly and unequivocally corporate and pro-business. If the media is so liberal, why didn't they question the Bush administrations suspect grounds for going into Iraq? Cheney would clearly prefer a media that doesn't question the actions of the administration, as long as that administration is Republican; a media that serves as a propaganda tool as it did on the run-up to the war. It's not the media's fault that the War in Iraq was a mistake, it's not their fault that Mark Foley is pervert and the GOP covered it up. What happened to "personal responsibility"? This is the path the Party has taken, and they are responsible for the consequences, so don't blame the media for covering it.

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