Monday, October 16, 2006

Movie Genres Get Beat to a Pulp

While every type of product has a recipe for success, not every product is going to make it big. In fact, most suck so bad that they have to come right to DVD instead of hitting up theaters first.

Horror movies seem to be getting more gorey, more bloody, and most importantly, more prolific. The best part is someone can expect to go to a movie and pay a reasonable (pfft) $9 for a scary movie, and then walk away disappointed, possibly laughing at how bad it was.

I would have spent wasted my time going to see The Grudge, Saw, The Ring II, Descent and the rest, but why? It's all the same crap. Granted I like seeing movies where crappy actors get torn to pieces or get a pole through the head (Paris Hilton deserved it), I want to see a movie that really freaks me out or keeps me interested throughout the entire movie.

Hollywood just seems so bland these days.

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