Monday, May 04, 2009


Before JMC 262 I was never interested in blogging, and before 2008 I didn't even know what blogging was... Its funny because i had been involved in various Internet social networks like blackplanet, paxed which is now BLNK, myspace and the infamous, facebook not knowing that I was even engaging in such a thing as blogging. Now that I have been fully exposed to this phenomnenom, where voicing your opinion is ok, starting debates over various topics and just getting your thoughts out to the someone whose willing to lend a ear, life seems to be easier, because blogging has saved lives, encouraged the depressed and influenced others to the story of peers and even the more wise. blogging has opened up a new way to network and get to know others strictly through computer interaction, its more intimate than an email and more private than a chat room. when you think no one is listening just blog someones paying attention, to a status on facebook, a comment on a pic on myspace or a name in your guestbook on blackplanet.

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