Friday, April 27, 2007

Text Messaging gone wild

My mom has become text messaging obsessed. Really. For as long as I can remember she has always been attatched to her cell phone. It is rare to find her without it pressed up to her ear as she does 5 other things at once. If it's not there you can bet that you will find it tightly clutched within her hands. Perhaps thats where I got that from. But anyways, she likes to get the newest model of phones but the only feature she uses is the standards. Until now. I taught her how to text and now I fear I've created a Momster.

She lives in GB so to keep tabs on her three children she likes to text. The messages started off as how is school, work or did you catch American Idol. Soon she was asking if I knew anything about my sister's new boyfriend. Or did I know that my sister had a new boyfriend and did my sister know that she knew about the new boyfriend. My phone is blowing up with inquiries from tax forms to new restaurants. Oh and if I dont respond she might just ask why and where i am. My sister and brother are getting annoyed also but we thought the novelty would wear off.

No such luck. Sitting in class I got a pic message from her of a cute baby that had been brought into her work. WHO taught her this! Progessively I (along with my other two siblings) have been getting pic messages of old friends she runs into or (and I'm not kidding) her garden she is creating.

Now although it's cute that she wants to share all of these facets of her life with us. It's too much and too time consuming. Ok and a bit out there. Perhaps we should have an intervention over Mother's day weekend about this growing obsession. I dont expect her to quit cold turkey but this has gotten out of control. As I type this I can hear my phone going off in the next room. Must go! It could be my work calling back. Or perhaps more likely a picture of my mothers newest haircut.

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