Sunday, May 06, 2007

Bye, Paris! 45 Days Without You...

Is anybody else crying out, "Justice has been served!"-- or is it just me?

Everyone's favorite (and I use the word favorite with sarcasm in mind here) Hilton is going to jail. I guess her charm and money couldn't get her out of this mess. I think it's about time that-- Paris served time.

Paris breached her driving ban and was caught, obviously. Ms. Hilton doesn't exactly rank up there with the most intellectual of criminal minds. It's really funny that Paris broke the law in such a manner. The girl is literally stalked by photographers-- didn't she think someone would notice she was driving when she wasn't supposed to be behind the wheel? Did she not realize that with her image splattered all over the pages of the tabloids that someone, maybe even a law official would say, "Gee, that's odd. Paris is in the front seat behind the driver's wheel. It almost appears as though she's driving."

Also, with all the money the girl has, did she really find it necessary to pilot a Range Rover (or whatever obnoxious vehicle of the week she has) in her six inch stiletto heels? Hi, Paris, it's called a limo. I'm pretty sure you could have afforded one...

Article 1
Article 2

I highly recommend reading the second article.

See you in 45 days, Paris. I'm sure you'll capitalize on this experience when you are released with a cheap novel or two. Hey, maybe even an interview on 20/20 where you claim you are a changed woman.

Oh, we, your adoring fans, can only hope.

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