Monday, May 14, 2007

hahaha Paris may(not) be going to jail

So I was in the grocery store the other day and read that Paris Hilton is facing 45 days in prison. She was sentenced for violating her probation from a DUI. I find this funny because the reason that she violated her probation was because she did not know her guidelines. She also told the court that she has someone read her mail for her, which is another reason why she didn't know the guidelines. I like the trend of Hollywood sentencing celebrities lately. I think that they are so out of touch with reality that they need a reality check when they break the law. I assume that when they do serve time it is probably in a protected prison because they are "scared for their lives" due to their celebrity status which most likely ends up being like a spending 45 days in a resort which will probably end up being only 1/2 of that sentence which tax payers have to pay for so....I say just let her stay at home in her own little world.

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