Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Here is some media I have been consuming.

Video game ads from 1982, interesting in relation to today's discussion of games, which seem so different now than they were then.

Studio 60 On the Sunset Strip is one of the fall television season's most anticipated new programs. You can watch the pilot, with no ads, for free, on your computer, right now if you want, at AOL Television.

At first, lonelygirl15 first seemed like just a kid posting video blogs on YouTube. Some of her videos have been viewed more than half a million times. But people thought she seemed older than she said (sixteen) and the videos seemed too polished. They were right; the videos were fake and the girl is an actress. lonelygirl15 is the creation of aspiring filmmakers hoping to make it in Hollywood. (The link above is to a New York Times article about it. You can view the videos here.) is a video for a song by Jonathan Coulton, a singer-songwriter who encourages people to make videos for his songs. This video is a slideshow of images taken from people's Flickr sites. (The pictures are made available for public use under a kind of copyright called Creative Commons, which people use to share their creative work with others and allows for its reproduction/use under specified terms.) It's a remarkable collaboration between strangers.

Finally, in relation both to the discussion of what words you can and can't say on television or in movies and Mike's paper topic, here's the short version of The Big Lebowski. Warning: contains no language suitable for polite conversation.

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