Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Oh like you never stay in on Saturday nights to watch SNL. :)

I love Saturday Night Live. I love the old casts from the 70s, the new cast today and everything in between. I understand that the bad skits in the show greatly out numbers the good, but I watch nonetheless. I am a fan. Since I am still pretty young and most, if not all, of my friends are out on Saturday nights, what usually happens is that I’m the only one who has watched the latest episode. This doesn’t stop me from asking them if they saw the last episode. They usually say “no” which prompts me to start explaining one or more skits that I found amusing. They usually sit there looking at me like I’m crazy, and I end the failed explanation by saying, “Well, I guess you had to see it to get it”. It’s embarrassing for more than one reason. So, now what I do is, instead of trying to explain to them what happened, I just go on youtube or myspace and find the video. I post it on to their myspace page so that they can enjoy the beauty of what I like to call, SNL. It’s great for everyone involved. Plus, I get to watch the clip over again. It makes me happy.

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