Friday, March 16, 2007

What? A Blog?

So recently I was at work doing some of my homework and I was telling my co-workers that I should really post a blog for this class. To my amazement, most of them did not even know what a blog was! I had to explain what posting a blog was all about. This is really stunning in this day and age. People use myspace and facebook nearly everyday and they do not know how to use a blog. Even one our regulars at the restauartant that I work at, who is a suave business owner, did not know what a blog was, but yet at the same time as telling my this he was looking at music videos on myspace. This brings me to a question. Is media there just for intake and analysis or are we becoming a culture in which is becoming o.k. to particpate in the media that we see? We dont have to keep our comments to ourselves anymore. We tell producers and movie/music studios what we think without writing a letter. We can just tell our friends and everyone who comes across our review or blog. I think that some people are ready for the participating in the media that we see and some others are not quite there yet, but they are learning.


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