Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sad that this is where i grew up...

Racine, WI. Just 45 mins south of milwaukee. Beautiful city right on the lakefront. Yeah, well recently racine has had a lot of negative publicity. Racine has a lot of gang violence and this past thursday there was an article dealing with numerous shootings and a fire. Supposidly these shootings were related. Besides the obvious violence that occured, racine ran out of police to respond to all of these incidents. WHAT is this!? bad can it get!? Another thing that is a shame is the fact that my catholic high school is one block away from one of the shootings. yikes. and in the summer time there was a man stabbed at the convenient store right across the street from St. catherines high school. how unsafe is racine becoming? this is terrible. The link to the journel sentinel has the full story to what happened on thursday night along with about a million commments from citizens or concerned people of racine.....take a look!

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