Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Sports Radio

Being a commuter to UWM I spend alot of time in my car. Since the car has no cd player or tape deck i must resort to the radio. In the morning the music stations are all DJs talking about nothing and long commercials so I have turned to sports radio on the am dial. There are two such stations in Milwaukee these days(1250 and 1510) so i mix it up. I have become addicted not because of the quality of the shows but because I have such disdain for pretty much all of the hosts. I hate their arrogance and shortness with callers. Even if I find myself agreeing with their points of view, I still feel the same hatred. What makes these guys(aside from the few ex-pro athletes) the authority on the issues? The callers sat on the bench of their high school football team just like the hosts did so why do they know more? The answer is for the most part they don't and they just love the power they wield being on the airwaves. If I hate these shows so much why do I listen? Because I love starting my day off with a bowl of cheerios, a look at the Journal Sentinel, and a good verbal lashing of the voices coming from my car stereo.

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