Monday, October 16, 2006

Uncensored, my A**!

I've got a bone to pick with some television producers, specifically MTV.

When you have a television show that you release to DVD (aka Jackass), and you have a disclaimer stating that it's for "Mature Audiences Only"...why do you keep the bad language bleeped out? And, if you're going to consistently bleep out any occurrance of the F-Word on your commentary track, WHY do you insist on labeling it as an "uncensored" commentary track? Why do you tease me with wonderous promises and then promptly proceed to pull them away like an old man teasing a young kid with candy?

What, exactly, DOES the word "Uncensored" mean these days? Because, if "Uncensored" now means "We bleep the F-word", then I must have missed the memo. And, it pisses me off.

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