Sunday, September 09, 2007


Dictionary says:

Ubiquitous |yoōˈbikwətəs| adjective: present, appearing, or found everywhere.

I must write a post because it suddenly struck me: We as a people are truly inundated by technology and thus: media. It is impossible to make it from morning to night without directly or indirectly sending or receiving some sort of communication.

I look around my flat and notice both my roommates on their laptops. As am I. I see one adjust his ipod ear buds. The other finishes an animated film on DVD while I receive a text message from my brother. Moments later I'm walking our dog down the block and cannot help but see several billboards, bus shelter ads, and even moving advertisements on cars. (Jimmy Johns, Pizza Hut, Geek Squad). Passing a business with talk radio blaring, I return to our flat just in time to watch the local news. Followed by The Jon Stewart Show. As evening grows later and later I relax reading the latest issue of Bicycling Magazine. I wonder at the same time what life would be like if radio waves were never discovered or if I'd read quite so much if the movable printing press had never been invented.

To be totally unplugged is rare. It requires for some a big sacrifice. Try not turning on your cell phone as well as not going online for a day. Hard to get by, eh?

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