Tuesday, November 28, 2006

vanessa carlton sells out

After Vanessa Carlton's label completely screwed up the promoting of her second album causing it to flop, Carlton knew she needed a change. However, instead of finding a label that would give her the proper promotion to the proper target audience for the type of music she makes, rap mogul Irv Gotti managed to talk Carlton into signing with his label Murder Inc. Carlton will be the first non hip-hop artist to join this label.

What is so shitty about this transaction is that Gotti appears to be poised to promote Carlton through MTV. In the past, Carlton has looked extremely uncomfortable on shows like TRL where she appears to be doing everything she can to keep herself from rolling her eyes at her "fans." But, to pick up the huge and lucrative teeny-bopper demographic Gotti and Carlton look like they will take this route. Carlton is probably afraid she will lose her career if she doesn't "sell out" and Gotti has dollar signs in his eyes with the idea of using fear to convince Carlton she has to use sex to sell her image which will sell her music.

Carlton has aggressively spoken out in the past against using image to sell music, but it appears she would rather be a successful hypocrite than be sitting at home with her integrity and no one to hear her play the piano.

On Harmonium, her second album, Carlton sings a song she wrote about vampires devouring unicorns. This is an analogy for how evil labels (vampires) charm, corrupt and kill artists (unicorns). One would think that the person who wrote that song would be more aware of someone like Gotti and what he is all about, but if she is aware of what's happening to her, she seems to think it's her only hope for survival in the music industry and that is very sad.

What's next? Regina Spektor signs to Shady Records?

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