Friday, March 07, 2008

Always Sunny

I had never heard of the show “Always Sunny in Philadelphia” until I got the first two seasons on DVD for Christmas. At first, I was sort of critical. It’s a fast moving comedy and some of the content is really out there. Just to give you an idea, one episode is based on two characters that quit their jobs and lie about one of them being mentally handicapped for the chance to get on welfare. The whole episode is based around their friends convincing them that need to come back to work because welfare isn’t meant for lazy people, like them. They take a pretty serious topic in society, and turn it around to be pretty funny. I was surprised. The show could probably be described in between a Seinfeld and Arrested Development. The scenarios of the show are so just appalling, embarrassing, uncomfortable and entertaining that you can’t stop watching it. I’ve watched every episode on all three discs and now I’ve read news that they are coming out with the third season on DVD, along with starting up a season 4 all in this fall. This website gives an interview with the main writer about the show and what the new season has to offer. Least to say, I’m pretty excited. One of the coolest parts of this show is that the main three actors are also the writers and producers. I think it is refreshing to see a sitcom on TV that is trying new things, creating its own borders and ideas without pressure from the show’s writers and producers. I think the reason that the show is acted out so well is because the actors are truly acting out exactly how the script was written. They all have the same idea about the episode, and are able to work together so well that they come out with a great, clean cut comedy such as this. 

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