Thursday, October 22, 2009

Whre the Wild Things Are

I always loved the book Where the Wild Things Are but as soon as I heard it was going to be made into a feature film, I felt as if something classic and precious and been exploited by a higher media to rank in more profit and ruin a simplistic book I grew up with and cherished. However, as I saw the trailer for the movie, I second guessed it. The production and characters not only looked of quality but were beyond creative for what I expected. After seeing the trailer, I thought about the book again, and reminded myself that I would not be tempted by this film and completely spoil something I loved. However, I am an Urban Outfitters junky, and they began a theme around the movie with everything from ornaments to actual clothing based on the book and movie. I put much trust in Urban Outfitters opinions on things, such as style, creativity and interest. Therefore, I again considered seeing the movie, but reminded myself that I would not let things such as ornaments and tee shirts, that only create more profit and exposure for this classic book, tempt me into ruining something I loved. Today I picked up the new Shepard Express and paged through it to find a Where the Wild Things Are review. Again, interest sparks, and I read it. After this article and description of the plot and production (direction) I decided that perhaps this wasn't an all out profit seeking scam. Perhaps, this is something I want to see. Please, if you have hesitance on this movie, like I did, read the article and re-think your skeptical thoughts. Perhaps this could be the best movie of the year. Perhaps this is creating exposure to young children who may have not grown up with the book to enjoy a classic in now picture form. Either way, I'm going to give in. I am going to see Where The Wild Things Are and I sure as hell hope I like it.

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